Human may be paid by AI in the future?

One day, you may get paid by artificial intelligence (AI)

Mar 18, 2024

One day, you may get paid by artificial intelligence (AI). This may sound like a futuristic idea, but it could become a reality soon. The #Worldcoin project, created by OpenAI founder #SamAltman, aims to provide a basic income to one billion people worldwide, using AI and automation to distribute income more fairly.

Check WorldCoin press release here:

WorldCoin has raised up to $120 million at a valuation of $3 billion, according to Crunchbase.

What is Worldcoin?

The problem that the Worldcoin project is trying to solve is that in the future, AI and elite human professionals will do most of the work, and some people will become useless because their jobs will be completely replaced by AI. To solve this problem, the Worldcoin project proposes to provide an unconditional basic income to one billion people worldwide.

How does it work?

To receive this income, people would need to register on the Worldcoin software and go through an iris recognition process, which would create a unique identification code for each person. Over the next decade, all the machines and robots in the world would be connected to the Worldcoin software, and people with this identification code would be entitled to a universal basic income.

The Potential of Universal Basic Income

The Worldcoin project has the potential to change the way we think about work and income, and it could help to reduce poverty and inequality worldwide. However, it also raises important questions about the role of technology in society and the need for policies that balance economic growth with social welfare. While the project aims to address the problem of job displacement caused by the increasing adoption of AI and automation, there are concerns that it could lead to mass unemployment and social unrest.

The Risks: Automation and Job Displacement

However, the Worldcoin project also raises important questions about the role of technology in society and the need for policies that balance economic growth with social welfare. While the project aims to address the problem of job displacement caused by the increasing adoption of AI and automation, there are concerns that it could be a harbinger of a future where AI and automation replace human workers on a massive scale, leading to mass unemployment and social unrest.

Conclusion: The Future of Work and Income

The Worldcoin project is still in its early stages, and it remains to be seen whether it will be successful in achieving its goals. However, it is a fascinating initiative that could pave the way for new systems of income distribution in the future. It raises important questions about the role of technology in society and the need for policies that balance economic growth with social welfare.

One day we may get paid by AI. Whether this will be a good or a bad thing depends on how we use this technology and whether we can create a society that is fair and just for all.

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