Entrepreneurship in France|Seven steps to open a bar in France

Maybe you've always dreamed of opening your own bar in France? Especially after seeing the lively and vibrant bars scattered throughout the streets of France. But beware, a bar isn't just an ordinary business. It requires careful preparation and compliance with many regulations. Micco will guide you through all the details in this guide!

Mar 27, 2024

Maybe you've always dreamed of opening your own bar in France? Especially after seeing the lively and vibrant bars scattered throughout the streets of France. But beware, a bar isn't just an ordinary business. It requires careful preparation and compliance with many regulations. Micco will guide you through all the details in this guide!

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Table of Contents
  1. Conduct Market Research
  2. Develop a Business Plan
  3. Choose Your Bar's Concept
  4. Determine Your Budget
  5. Obtain Licenses and Permits
  6. Establish or Take Over a Business
  7. Promote Your Bar
  8. Summary of Bar Opening Steps
  9. FAQs

1. Conduct Market Research

Before diving into opening a bar, it's essential to understand the trends and developments in the beverage industry.

Market Analysis:

  • How many bars open and close in France each year?
  • How is the industry recovering from health crises?
  • What are the trends in beverage consumption?
  • What concepts do the public prefer?

Direct Competition:

  • How many bars are in the area you plan to open?
  • What concepts do they offer?

Target Audience:

  • Describe the area (residential, urban, commercial).
  • What are the socio-economic characteristics of the local population?

2. Develop a Business Plan

Based on your market research, create a business plan to estimate your project's profitability compared to the local economic environment.

Advantages of Your Project:

  • Align your bar with local market characteristics.
  • Explain how your bar meets local economic development potential.

Financial Feasibility of Your Project:

  • Investment required.
  • Concept and ambiance considerations.
  • Marketing strategies.

3. Choose Your Bar's Concept

With insights from market research and your business plan, finalize your bar's concept to match local demand.

Specialty Bars:

  • Beer or microbrewery bars.
  • Wine bars.
  • Cocktail bars.
  • Whiskey or gin bars.
  • Champagne bars.

Themed Bars:

  • Cocktail lounges.
  • Hookah bars.
  • Cat cafes.
  • Singles bars.
  • Juice bars.
  • Game bars.
  • Ice bars.

Gastro Bars:

  • Salad bars.
  • Pasta bars.
  • Soup bars.
  • Snack bars.
  • Oyster bars.

4. Determine Your Budget

Cost Estimates:

Opening a bar requires a significant budget for fees, various works, and furnishings.


  • Company formation costs.
  • Mandatory training for bar opening.
  • Optional purchase of a Class 4 license.

Bar-Related Expenses:

  • Building renovation, repairs, furnishing.
  • Purchase of glassware, utensils, equipment.
  • Multimedia equipment.
  • Operating capital.
  • Initial stock of consumables.

5. Obtain Licenses and Permits

To sell alcoholic beverages, you need operational licenses and permits.

Operating License:

Prerequisite for other licenses. Attend training sessions provided by the licensing authority.

Alcohol Sales License:

Different categories based on beverage nature and consumption location.

Class 3 License:

For on-site consumption of low-alcohol beverages.

Class 4 License:

For sale of all licensed beverages without alcohol content limits.

6. Establish or Take Over a Business

Establish Your Own Business:

  • Choose a legal structure (EURL, SASU, sole proprietorship).
  • Draft articles of association and publish legal notices.

Take Over a Business:

  • Acquire an existing bar's business fund, including licenses and equipment.
  • Lease management: Sign a lease contract as the bar manager.

7. Promote Your Bar

Plan a successful opening event to leave a lasting impression and attract new customers quickly.

Opening Event Checklist:

  • Determine the best opening date.
  • Allocate a promotional budget.
  • Prepare the opening day or night agenda.
  • List people to invite (local celebrities, partners, journalists).
  • Identify local media for coverage.
  • Book advertising space and print promotional materials.

8. Summary of Bar Opening Steps

Ensure you don't miss any steps:

  1. Conduct market research.
  2. Develop a solid business plan.
  3. Choose a concept that matches local demand.
  4. Assess your budget and seek funding.
  5. Obtain operational and alcohol sales licenses.
  6. Establish a company or take over an existing one.
  7. Plan an unforgettable opening celebration.

9. FAQs
  • What budget is needed to open a bar?Budget varies depending on project specifics, especially construction importance. Recommended budget: €150,000 to €250,000.
  • What is the average turnover of bars in France?Independent bar owners typically earn €200,000 to €500,000 in turnover. Franchise-operated bars may exceed €1,000,000.
  • How to open a community bar?The process is similar to opening a traditional bar but operated by an association instead of a company.

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